Fsnotes alfred
Fsnotes alfred

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  1. #Fsnotes alfred how to
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No one cares how fast you read or how many books you read last year. Synoptical reading is reading a variety of books and articles on the same topic, finding and evaluating the contradictions, and forming an opinion.

  • Reading to Master - If you just read one book on a topic odds are you have a lot of blind spots in your knowledge.
  • This is a thorough reading where you chew on things and digest them.
  • Reading to Understand- The real workhorse of reading.
  • You skim, dive in and out, and get a feel for the book and get the gist of things.
  • Reading to Inform - A superficial read.
  • Reading to Entertain - The level of reading taught in our elementary schools.
  • Most of our time will be spent between levels 2 and 3. The Levels of Reading offer four different approaches to reading (from easiest to hardest). How much effort you put in relates to what you’re reading and why you’re reading it. Some books only deserve a skim, while others deserve your complete attention. Not everything needs to be read with the same intensity. Tailoring how you read to what you read makes more sense. The problem is this is the only way we learned to read.

    #Fsnotes alfred how to

    We learned how to do this in elementary school. Reading the words on the page (or screen) is the easy part. Putting a bad book down creates the opportunity and space for a great book. Once you realize that you can quit bad books (or reading anything for that matter) without guilt, everything changes. When it comes to reading, you don’t need to finish what you start.

    #Fsnotes alfred full

    Trying to finish a bad book, on the other hand, is like walking through the mud with a wheelbarrow full of bricks. Our desire to finish what we start sometimes works against us. Start books quickly but give them up easily. Not only are they well written and packed with ideas and insight, but they’re well organized. When you pick up a good book you feel it instantly. Let’s explore the tested insights that we’ve found to be most helpful. This is only true if you can remember and apply the lessons and insights from what you read. One of the benefits of reading is that it allows you to master the best of what other people have already figured out. In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time – none, zero. We cover quitting, the levels of reading, choosing great books, improving reading comprehension and recall, and effective note-taking.

    fsnotes alfred fsnotes alfred

    It doesn’t matter if it’s a book, article, or academic paper. This article outlines how to get the most out of your reading.

    Fsnotes alfred